Bali Pulina Agro Tourism

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Bali Pulina Agro Tourism
"With Love, Conserve and Share"

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Enjoy at Bali Pulina Agro Tourism

Bali's first and only zoological park is a wondrous place where you can learn the behavior of over 450 rare and exotic animals in a lush, tropical environment. A park where you can participate in fascinating animal adventure activities, some of which are unique experiences of their kind in Indonesia. Whether it's up close and personal feeding encounter with a Bengal tiger; an elephant safari atop the friendly Sumatran pachyderms, dining mere meters from king of the jungle and his pride, or participating in Bali Zoo's trademark Mahout for a Day.

Bali Zoo was created foremost out of our founding father's love of animals, desire to conserve and means to share it with the world, because a passion shared equal to true happiness.

Our new look is a celebration of our history, our vision, and our passion.

This identity was derived from the history of Bali Zoo itself. It was created by our Director Mr. Anak Agung Gde Putra, based on his love for animals. He has a desire to conserve and protect various Indonesia fauna including our rare and endangered friends such a Sumatran Elephant, Sumatran Tiger, Orangutan, Sun Bear, Binturong and many more while still sharing the wonderful experience with everyone.

The three animals depicted in the brand identity, a deer, a cassowary and an orangutan were the first animals Mr. Anak Agung Gde Putra owned at the very beginning of Bali Zoo. Vibrant color are chosen to represent the colorful and wonderful moments, the guests will experience at Bali Zoo.

Turquoise symbolizes the refreshing and friendly feeling, guest will experience while bonding with animal and nature.

Orange symbolizes energy, adventure, happiness, fascination and enthusiasm of experience at Bali Zoo.

Green is chosen to compliment the sturdy grey, adding freshness and nature ambience to the identity

OBJECTIVE VISION | What We Hope to Achieve ?

MISSION | Why We Exist ?
• Provide Best Animal Welfare as Our Commitment and Responsibility to Animal Conservation
• Provides Unique and Memorable Experience to Visitors
• Extend Strong Brand Presence in Market
• Financial Stability & Cash Flow
• Adhering to Government Regulations
• Create a Happy Workplace to Employees Where They Can Personaly Learn & Grow

CORPORATE VALUE | What We Believe ?
• Our Strategic Objective :
        Inspire Stakeholder / Visitors to Connect With Wild Life.
• Our People Objective :
        a) Ensure our vision and mission are fully embraced and demonstrated by Our Stakeholders.
        b) Treating all Stakeholders with fairness and respect.
        c) Team work and enjoyment in working together.
• Our Conservation & Environment :
        a) Providing for the wellbeing of animal in our care.
        b) Employs environmentally sustainable practices throughout our workplace and activities.

If you are happy to enjoy a vacation in that location, please fill in the form below with complete and correct data. This form is used for reservation process of your visit to the location of the tour.

Posted by : Author Team ~ || ~ SYAMSUDIN KOLOI

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Posted by Author Team on Bali Pulina Agro Tourism.
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