Sahadewa Barong Dance

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Sahadewa Barong Dance
"Education Park and Culture"

Review with visualization :
[youtube src="H9Y4YR4AIaA"][/youtube]

Enjoy at Sahadewa Barong Dance

The cultural tourism object of Barong Sahadewa was founded and inaugurated on 1 April 1972 under the name "BARONG SAHADEWA" by I Dewa Nyoman Oka (1923-1999). Over time, tirelessly despite the various hurdles that shook us trying to exist until now.

Regular performances are still held at the Stage location adjacent to the Karawitan Indonesia - Bali High School campus. With the concept of open stage (Open Stage) with natural background become our priority. And for the show to run smoothly and comfortably during the rainy season, the closed stage facility (Indoor Stage) we have prepared.

And of course the show is supported by experienced dance artists and percussionists. Incorporated in the container of Indonesian Tourism Object "PUTRI" with member number No. 140/14 / A-PUTRI / XII / 92 as a Cultural Tourism Object.

Organizing staging on a regular basis: Barong dan Keris dance drama takes Kunti Seraya's story, about the eternal struggle between Virtue and falsehood.


Review with visualization :
[youtube src="bzVOmT3ctBA"][/youtube]

Barong dance describes the battle between "Virtue" against "Harm" Barong is a creature of mithology depicting "Virtue" and Rangda is the most powerful describes "Falsehood".

Barong dank era is in the thick forest, then came three masked people who describe is making a commotion and damage the tranquility of the forest. They meet with apes and end up fighting, where monkeys can cut off one of their noses.

Two dancers appeared and they were followers of Rangda looking for followers of Dewi Kunti who were on their way to meet his patih.

Dewi Kunti followers arrive. One of Rangda's followers turned into a demon. (Sort of Rangda) and inserting evil spirits to followers of Goddess Kunti that cause them to become angry. Both of them meet the patih and together face Kunti.

Appears Kunti and her son Sahadewa and Kunti has promised Rangda to hand over Sahadewa as a sacrifice. Actually Dewi Kunti not to heart sacrifice her son Sahadewa to Rangda. But a demon like Rangda enters an evil spirit to him that causes the Goddess Kunti to become angry and intend to sacrifice his son and order his patih to throw Sahadewa into the forest. And this patihs did not escape the possession of evil spirits by the devil into the forest and tied it in front of the Palace of the Rangda.

Descend God Shiva and give devotion to Sahadewa and this devotion is not known by Rangda then came rangda, to tear and kill Sahadewa but can not be killing because of the immunity endowed by Lord Shiva. Rangda surrendered to Sahadewa and begged to be saved so that he could enter heaven, this request was fulfilled by Sahadewa and the Rangda got heaven.

Kalika is a follower of Rangda facing Sahadewa, this rejection leads to a fight, and Kalika transforms the image into a "Boar of the Forest" and in the fight between Sahadewa against "Pig Forest" Sahadewa got the victory then Kalika (Pig Forest) is transformed into "Bird" defeated. And finally Kalika (Bird) changed again into Rangda. Because of the pain of this Rangda Sahadewa can not kill him and finally Sahadewa transfigured into a barong. Because of the same saturation then the fight between barong against this rage no one wins and thus this fight and fights lasts everlasting "Virtue" against "Falsehood" then comes followers - Barong followers each with kris who want to help barong in the fight against Rangda . They are not even able to paralyze the power of Sang Rangda.


Review with visualization :
[youtube src="c4AAEVmeTHY"][/youtube]

Kecak Dance, is the most unique type of Balinese dance, kecak not accompanied by musical instruments / gamelan or anything but accompanied by a choir of about 100 men. He comes from a kind of sacred dance "Sang Hyang". On Sanghyang day someone who is possessing spirit communicates with the gods or the purified ancestors. By using the dancer as a medium of liaison to the Gods or Patriarchs can deliver his sabdanya. In the 1930's begins to insert the epic story of the Ramayana into the dance.

Fire Dance, danced by a man possessed prancing like a horse's behavior. He danced on the coals made of coconut fibers. If the shangyang hymn leads him to the fire, then he will dance on fire.


Open Stage (Open Stage) with a natural background, capacity of 600 people, with audience seats down to a wide viewing angle, so as not to interfere

Indoor Stage
Closed stage facility in anticipation for the show to go smoothly despite rain. And also can be used for special events such as: Dinner Party, Lunch with treat performances Legong, Jegog on request.

Dinner Party
Serving special event requests: dinner, lunch, meeting, and wedding receptions and others - including decors and tourist attractions.

Counter & Costumer Service
Our customer service and friendly customer service are ready to assist you in handling reservation, customer complaints and related to our performances.

Parking Area
The spacious and comfortable parking area is free of merchants, supervised by security, and police officers Sukawati Police, and monitoring the 24 Hours CCTV camera.

Toilet facilities adapted to the standards of eligibility for tourism objects, as one of the members of the Indonesian Tourism Association "PUTRI" category of Cultural Tourism Object. Toilet facilities are very payed.

If you are happy to enjoy a vacation in that location, please fill in the form below with complete and correct data. This form is used for reservation process of your visit to the location of the tour.

Posted by : Author Team ~ || ~ SYAMSUDIN KOLOI

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Posted by Author Team on Sahadewa Barong Dance.
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