Tirta Lestari The Quiet Water Park

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Tirta Lestari The Quiet Water Park
"Gumbrih Village"

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Enjoy at Tirta Lestari Air Gumbrih

Tirta Lestari Air Gumbrih is water park recreation located in Gumbrih Village, Jembrana Regency, Bali. This is interest water park, because combines quietness and beauty of Pangyangan river flow with green coconuts. You can exploring the river by driving ‘Jukung’ ( traditional boat ) powered by engine and driven by a professional crew. In there are boats too as the transportation to explore the river. The distance to be traveled is about 2 kilometers, with the stopping point at the Pangyangan-Gumbrih bridge, it‘s the village border.

Besides enjoying the green trees, you can see a variety of wild animals such as Kokokan birds and lizards. This makes Air Gumbrih Water Park be an ideal location for a relaxing boating and take pictures. You can take many interest pictures in Pangayangan River. Like rice fields on the river edge or the bamboo forest. Not only that, the Pangyangan River have various kinds of fish, such as red snapper and julit (fish similar like catfish but with a long body size), so you can spend time here with fishing. Especially for shrimp and crabs, you can catch it with bare hands. You can see fish glimpses that swim near the water surface. Air Gumbrih Water Park is the best place to enjoy the natural waters of Bali and relax away from the city crowd.

The Gumbrih Tourism Water Park is located at Gumbrih village, Pekutatan subdistrict, Jembrana County. It is an interesting tourist attraction because it combines the beauty of Pangyangan River having a quiet stream with the green coconut and nypa palm along the river. Visitors can climb down the river with motorized boat driven by a professional.

The Gumbrih Tourism Water Park is located at Gumbrih village, Pekutatan subdistrict, Jembrana County. It is an interesting tourist attraction because it combines the beauty of Pangyangan River having a quiet stream with the green coconut and nypa palm along the river. Visitors can climb down the river with motorized boat driven by a professional boatman.The distance to be covered is less than 2 kilometers, with a stopping point on the bridge denoting as the border of Gumbrih and Pangyangan. In addition to enjoying the green trees, visitors can also see a variety of wildlife such as egrets and lizards.

Not only that, the Pangyangan River also has various kinds of fish such as red snapper, marbled eel, shrimp and crab. The Gumbrih Tourism Water is the best place to enjoy the natural waters while relaxing and escape from the urban frenzies.

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Posted by : Author Team ~ || ~ SYAMSUDIN KOLOI

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